Pole Classes

Fierce Fundamentals
Whether you’ve never taken a pole dance class before https://nonukcasinosites.co.uk/review/vipzino/, are a seasoned pro who wants to go back to basics, or someone who stepped away for a while and want to ease back in, this is the perfect class for you. Fierce Fundamentals goes over static, spin, and floor work building blocks for you to gain strength, stamina, and fluidity on the pole. No experience necessary to start your journey and increase your confidence in our Fierce Fundamentals class. Fierce Fundamentals are offered in two different styles: Tricks & Conditioning and Flow & Transitions. While there may be some overlap, we recommend trying both!
The Lab
Get ready to take your training to the next level with The Lab! In this class, our instructor with use the fundamentals you have learned to start working on expanding your pole dance abilities. We offer two versions of The Lab – high beginner to low intermediate and intermediate to advanced. In our high beginner-low intermediate Lab, work on skill such as inversions, leg hangs, hip holds, and moves that come from them. In our intermediate-advanced Lab, we will train our skills that involve a higher level of strength and flexibility such as ayeshas and handsprings (all grips), aerial inverts, shoulder mounts, and other moves that require an understanding of body mechanics. Unsure which Lab is right for you? Contact us and we will guide you!

Unholy Heels
Explore various styles of static exotic pole choreography and heel work. This class is all level friendly, however we do recommend taking 3 Fierce Fundamentals: Flow and Transitions to have some experience with walking and dancing in 6-8inch heels. Knee pads recommended for this choreography class as basework will be visited.
Spin and Shapeshift
Learn to shapeshift on spin pole in this open level class. Our instructor will guide you through familiar and new tricks and transitions so you can learn to dance and perform your way through them. This class will increase your stamina on the pole and take your style to the next level. We recommend a minimum of 5 Fierce Fundamentals classes before taking Spin and Shapeshift. There will be modifications for everybody.

Contemporary Pole Flow
This pole flow class explores the dramatic side of pole, taking inspirational elements from lyrical, jazz and contemporary dance styles. Flow and musicality are the main focuses of this class, with choreography ranging from 45 seconds- 2 minutes. This class is all level friendly as inverts are unlikely, however we recommend taking 3 Fierce Fundamental: Flow and Transitions beforehand to familiarize yourself with terminology.