Payday: The Heist: Review

It is amazing that until recently, Left 4 Dead was almost the only game in its kind (except for the sequel, of course). Despite the grand success of creation Valve, No one tried to develop his ideas for a long time. The first swallow was a new project of a young studio Overkill Software called Payday: The Heist. What happened – a successful rethinking of a concept or a useless clone?

The main characters Payday could easily become the most dangerous enemies in some SWAT 4. Four criminals in Klown masks in crowds are bumping special forces, police officers, FBI employees and do not even think to give up. In their skin we will find ourselves in order to participate in six impudent robberies. The goal is simple – with a fight to break through the detachments of the defenders of the law enforcement, taking with them a couple of million dollars, a dozen gold bars or another value.

The passage of each campaign comes down to the implementation of certain tasks. For example, while one player sticks explosives to the wall to provide the team with the path to retreat, the rest should cover it. In another situation, it is necessary to install a drill on the castle of a banking storage or get to a saving helicopter. It’s not easy to sit in a cozy closet – the drills need to be rested, opponents actively use smoke grenades, and sometimes we are given stupid NPCs in the load, which need to be accompanied by pressing the keys by pressing the key.

So that novice bandits do not get bored, adventure scripts will diversify the colleague of the “director” from L4D. The familiar technology jugles necessary for completing the assignment with objects and characters, placing them at different points, and also knows how to seal or, conversely, open additional routes.

The influence of “random” is also subject to raids. This is especially noticeable in the case of “bosses”, the place of the appearance of which can only be guessed. Yes, as in Left 4 Dead, there are few, but extremely dangerous opponents. The thick -skinned “bulldozer” goes ahead, not paying attention to the bullets, scratching the armor. A fighter armed with a Tazer is able to immobilize the criminal in seconds. A special forces with a night vision device puts the player on the shoulder blades with the first blow. Well, in order to cope with the opponent defending shield, coordinated actions are needed-while one distracts attention to himself, someone must go from behind and release the queue in the back.

Unlike more or less smart “bosses”, ordinary rivals think a little better than zombies, for nothing that they know where the machine gun has a trigger. Boodles do not burden their gray cells with cunning tactics and banally take in number. Sometimes artificial intelligence is frankly firing – more than once I had to watch how the brave cop played with my hero in peeps or completely defiantly turned away. The authors compensated for the shortage of the laws of the law by the authors compensated for phenomenal accuracy, so we can only carefully put the “headshots” and rest for shelters.

Judging by the relaxed position of this comrade, to be a criminal is good. Again the corruption of interactive entertainment!

Left 4 Challenge

What is the brainchild Overkill you can’t blame for sure, it is in the same type of locations. Cattle -fighting, bank, drug trafficking, skyscraper, bridge, abundantly watering rain, and the streets of the city – all campaigns are quite unusual and look as beautiful as the modest budget allows it. Yes, and they pass in different ways: on some maps you need to persistently move forward, while on others-snapping back with return fire and not lean out.

Return to Payday again and again forces the presence of several levels of complexity. A calm walk on Easy here is radically different from the dental passage on Overkill. If in the first case, after five minutes tedious battles, the eyes stick together, then in the second one cannot be distracted for a second, and any mistake is fraught with defeat. Here it is possible to choose arsenal and equipment before the fight, for example, a bag with cartridges or a first -aid kit. Participants in the robbery begin to think about tactics, divide roles – while two hold the front entrance, armed with shotgun, the third covers them from the second floor, and the fourth monitors the hacking process and, if necessary, provides ammunition. And it will turn out to calm down only when each scenario is passed on the maximum complexity at least once.

In addition, linger in The Heist I want longer thanks to “pumping”. The maximum level is attention! – One hundred and forty -fifth. Moreover, the experience is gained quickly, and something new becomes available after Everyone increased. The awards for the efforts are surprisingly diverse – an increase in all kinds of characteristics such as the strength of the body armor, and “guns”, and passive skills. All this wealth is divided into three categories, but there are no tricks here – no one forbids to gradually invest in everything at once.

You can’t die in The Heist – if you can’t raise the character that is disabled for thirty seconds, he will only be arrested. The remaining recidivists can either wait a few minutes before the “amnesty” or pull out the accomplice, freeing the hostage.

But still, whatever one may say, Payday: The Heist exhales to the offensive quickly. Sooner or later you will master the most tense episodes at Overkill – and the game will be shed. The problem is that there is no competitive mode here that significantly extended the life of the repeatedly mentioned LEFT 4 DeAD. However, for ten not the most boring watch Payday fully practices the money spent. In extreme cases, you can always wait for discounts – Steam does not skimp on sales.

Pros: Bending cooperative;”Pumping”.
Cons: primitive artificial intelligence;mediocre graphics;fun is enough for a month.

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