Online speed: Leila: review

In 2009, “online speed” rolled out the open spaces of the Russian Internet. There were a lot of disputes about multiplayer races then – in particular, about whether they have a future. And so, a year later, we can say for sure: there is a future, and a fair. Now users are not sitting (or idle, since we are talking about cars?) in the virtual garage for hours in the hope that at least two or three people will be able to recruit on the race, and they may be sure that the next race will delight them with the number of worthy opponents. The creators of “Online speeds” did not come up with a “high-tech” for the long-awaited add-ons or somehow associate it with changes in the game-the addition was called a sonorous female name “Leila”.

And the whole world in front of you

Well, or not the world, but a piece of the world. Even a piece, I would say, but what! “Leila” makes a number of changes, but the largest and most noticeable of them is the appearance of a real city around the garage so familiar to us. Now you can enjoy the views of skyscrapers or ride on a quiet streets – at the same time, everyone will be satisfied: few people will not like the landscape. Of course, there were no shortcomings, because the feeling that you are cutting on city roads is a little dull due to the lack of pedestrians and the general lubrication of the nearest objects. However, if you imagine what “high -speed” will become “Leila” When constantly moving people and a detailed drawing of the environment appear, then excuse me easily “online speeds”.

At first you will probably be confused in a new territory, but gradually you will recognize the city as your

five fingers, especially if you use new opportunities for all one hundred percent. Nevertheless, the developers did not rely on the patience of the players and supplied each car with something like a GPS navigator: you should mark any point on the minicart, how the most convenient route will be laid there, and a large green arrow will appear above your car indicating the right directionmovements. However, at high speeds, it sometimes begins to “storm”, so if she suddenly shows in the opposite direction, do not rush to unfold.

Puzzle – does not mean “racking your head”

The appearance of an open territory made it possible to make a number of noticeable changes to the gameplay. Now obtaining a game currency (or even a variety of lotions to your car) is possible not only through participation in the races. IN “Leiley” There was an opportunity to collect a puzzle that consists of 25 parts. Just do not think that the developers in this way decided to attract puzzle lovers: to collect a puzzle, you will have to ride around the city for a long time in search of the treasured pieces (your navigator will show the direction to them), which can bring you all sorts of bonuses, useful as in the race or battle, and on a normal journey (in addition, you can get various cars – depending on the selected regime). Thus, you really will have to break your head only when it comes to choosing a box with a surprise.

“Chef, throw it home!”

The new way to “cut down” the money is to get a taxi driver. Yes, yes, you will have to drive around the city and select voting people. And do not forget about the navigator: he will show where a person wants to get. To begin with, the “career” you need to buy a special “taxi sign” – it is sold directly in a taxiway. In general, this work can bring a good income if the upgrade, without which you cannot win in the race, is not enough. The number of funds received depends on the distance to the desired point and on your experience – the more passengers were delivered, the higher your premium. The only problem is as follows: only to recoup the “checkers” for the car, you will have to make about 80 trips, and at a certain moment it begins to announce.

To the barrier, sir!

Another way to earn money and experience is a new regime called “duel”. From the name and so everything is clear, but let’s look at it more intently. Thanks to the changes in the “online speed” interface, it became possible to choose any of the opponents and invite it to the competition. Unlike racing modes, you will not be transferred to the highway, all the action takes place right in the city. Streeters need to get to a certain point, and who will do it faster – he is in the ladies. Of course, the outcome here is influenced not only by the quality of your car and the difference in levels, but also to knowledge of the area. The green arrow of the GPS navigator is very good, but the sudden turn that you do not remember can easily provide the enemy of victory. The Duel made the competition even more dynamic, allowed them to fully enjoy them even to those who have practically no time for computer games.

Lupported success

In addition to the fact that such ways to make a game currency have appeared, the principle of issuing money has changed when winning the race. Now not only place and experience are important. With the exit “Leila” the amount began to depend on the three components. Firstly, from your place according to the results of the race, which is quite logical. Secondly, from how often you participate in races. If you want to get a lot, well -be circles on the highway! Well, thirdly, from the “coolness” of the car. If earlier this indirectly influenced the amount of PP (a high place is provided not only by driving skills, but also by the quality of the iron horse), now there is a direct relationship. So gain patience, gradually improve your “mare” – and you will be happy. And for those who do not like to wait, there is still the opportunity to pump the car quickly, that is, investing real money in its development.

Entrance by invitation and not only

Often gamers are conducted online for several hours a day, so it is not surprising that most have many friends and acquaintances directly in the game. In the original “online speed” I had to sweat in order to coordinate and get into the same race with comrades. The developers took into account this moment and made a number of changes in the seemingly insignificant thing as chat. From now on, you can add anyone to the list of friends who will allow you to see when a person sits behind the wheel and invite him to compete. At the same time, it is worth noting that if he accepts the invitation, he will be transferred to the room you created by automatically, from where it will also be able to invite your friends. As a result, it can turn out to be both a serious struggle between highly qualified carriers who want to practice, as well as funny friendly pokatushki.

Summing up, we can say that “Leila” Opens many new prospects for users. The amendments made in the gameplay make the game even more convenient. What is the change in the activation of objects during the race. If you used to use quick repair or acceleration, it was sometimes problematic, now the trunk was divided into two parts: a number of cells are designed for passive objects that constantly give you various bonuses, and up to eight cells (depending on the type of car) – for objects that activate whichYou can press the keys F1-F8.

Many complained that it was difficult to earn money for upgrade in the original “speed”, and only patient riders or people who were ready to invest in the pumping of the Real Machine. This problem was solved by the introduction of a new system of earnings of intra -game currency and taxi regime, so now we can safely say that soon the “online speed” server will begin to be filled with new users. So if you liked all of the above, then do not slow down – forward, on the track!

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